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Broda Wheelchairs for Postural Deviations

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Custom Seating for Posture Correction

There are many reasons why using a Broda wheelchair or chair is a safe and effective way to treat posture deviations. Broda helps clinicians successfully treat challenging cases of postural deviations, such as kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, contractures and many other conditions.

Broda wheelchairs can be personalized to specific body shapes. This means clinicians can adjust the wheelchair to meet the specific needs of each individual user. This is important for correcting postural abnormalities. Each person’s body is unique and requires its own specific adjustments. 

Our Recommendations for Postural Deviations

Creating Comfortable Seating for Postural Deviations

Correct postural alignment and equal weight distribution are the main factors in a person’s risk for developing pressure wounds. At Broda, our goal is to make every person comfortable, with reduced risk for pressure injuries. That’s why we created our one-of-a-kind Comfort Tension Seating® system. Unlike conventional sling-style wheelchairs, Comfort Tension Seating® is consists of individual straps that mold to the user’s body, thus creating a supportive seating surface. Compared to a typical cushion, this system suspends the user’s weight evenly across multiple points, rather than a solid seating surface.

Positioning Features & Tool-less Adjustability

Do you find yourself often reaching for the toolbox to adjust wheelchair parts for postural deviations? With Broda, you have a simpler solution. Broda wheelchair positioning features are easily adjustable. In fact, a single caregiver can comfortably reposition a patient with the easy-to-use handles. Simply squeeze the handles to engage the tilt or recline. Then, the specialty gas cylinders help you raise and lower the wheelchair user.

Many of our wheelchairs pair well with accessories from the Matrx® Seating Series from Motion Concepts. These accessories can be mounted at various angles, and many can be adjusted without the use of tools to help you get the perfect fit, every time.

Improved Mobility and Functionality

Broda wheelchairs can increase independence in activities of daily living (ADLs) such as self-feeding, dressing, grooming, etc. Users can adjust their wheelchair to support the their unique frame. After such adjustments, many notice an improvement in breathing, digestion, and overall postural alignment. People who use Broda wheelchairs often experience increased mobility and functionality, thus allowing them to live fuller, more independent lives.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to treat or prevent posture deviations, then a Broda wheelchair may be the perfect solution for you, your patient, or your loved one.